Teaching Portfolio -- Trish Kinnee

Lesson Plans
Internet Inquiry
Student Work

Internet Inquiry

Here is an example of a Web Quest lesson plan designed for a 10th grade English class. Students had to use technology in their assignment to explain one of the Elizabethan topics. The lesson also provided hands-on activities for the students.

An Internet Exploration


English -- Grade 10

Will and the Web!

 An Internet Inquiry by Ms. Kinnee


In order to help you better understand what life was like during Shakespeare’s time, you will be researching the English Renaissance, also known as Elizabethan times. You will learn how the monarchy ruled England and the role Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre played in that time period.  You will learn the roles of everyday people and what they wore and the games they played.

You and another student will be working on one of the topics below. Research the topic to answer the questions and any others you may have.

  1. Jobs – What types of jobs did people hold? Research what “Guilds” are and the role they played. What jobs were the most prestigious? What jobs were the least prestigious? Which job would you like to hold from the Renaissance time period? Describe a day or describe the duties of that job.
  2. What to Wear – What style of clothing was appropriate for men, women and children? Where did people get their clothing? What materials were used? What type of clothing was most attractive to you? Least attractive? What would someone of your age wear during the time?
  3. Everyday Life – What did people of this time period do during their daily lives? What were their villages like? What about their houses? What was the mode of transportation of this time? Fine artwork that depicts everyday life and use it for your report.
  4. Courtship and Weddings – What was the dating scene like in the 16th Century? What was the age that girls began “dating”? When did young men begin to court young women? Were there any social economic barriers? What were some of the rituals or traditions of marriage?
  5. Kings and Queens – Who was in charge of England during Shakespeare’s time? What was the monarchy’s role? Who was Queen Elizabeth? What was she known for? Provide a family tree for the Tudors from Henry VIII to Edward VI. (Be sure to include all of Henry’s wives and any children they had.)
  6. The Theater – What part did the theatre play in England during this time period? Name the most famous theaters located in London. Describe the layout of the theaters. How much did it cost to get in? What was the seating arrangement? Check out this website and find out what the theater was like --http://virtual.clemson.edu/caah/Shakespr/VRGLOBE/
  7. Education -- Research young Will Shakespeare’s day of schooling. Did everyone of every social status have equal access to education? What did they study? Were there high schools? Colleges? Did women go to college? What did people study in college?
  8. Food and Drinks – What did people eat during the Renaissance time period? What kinds of foods were available to them? How was food prepared? Find a recipe for the time period.
  9. Games – What did the good people of England do for entertainment (other than the theater)? What were some of the popular games played? If possible, create a replica or an example of one of the games played during Elizabethan times.
  10.  Medicine and Illnesses – What were some of the diseases people faced during Elizabethan times? What was the plague? How many people died from it? How was it treated? What were doctors like? What was medicine like?
  11.  Literature and the Arts – Who were the famous writers and artists of the time period? Name at least three of each and describe their life and their work. Explain how art was influenced by society or how society was influenced by art.
  12.  An overview of Shakespeare’s Plays and Sonnets – Besides Romeo & Juliet, for what other plays is Shakespeare known? Did he write poetry? What types of poetry did he write? Name his plays and state the number of poems he wrote. Give at least three examples of his poetry. 
    Then create either a PowerPoint presentation or a poster-board display to show what you learned.  Extra credit will go to those who create a hands-on project or provide examples. For instance, students researching music could provide samples of music recordings of the time period. Students who research food and drink of the time may provide samples created from Elizabethan recipes. Graphics will be required in all presentations and must represent the topic and the Elizabethan time period.

The final project will be due at the completion of our study of Shakespeare’s play and will be presented to the entire class. A final test will cover the key points of each of the categories researched.



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